Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a New Year!

I cannot even fathom how time flies these days. It feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting baby #2 (which was, in actuality, in November of 2012!), went to Disney with our (then) only child for the first time (April 2013), had baby D (July 2013), and I could go on and on. Point is, 2014 is now here. And I know if I don't purposefully determine how I'm going to spend it, it'll be gone and 2015, or even 2020 will be here before I know it and I won't have anything to show for time gone by.
So, while this might be cliche, cheesy or even downright dumb, I'm going to post my goals for 2014 here, online, for whoever actually reads this (ha!) to see. Feel free to call me on these....I need the accountability ;)

In 2014 I want to....

1) Read the Bible through in its entirety. Yes, I am almost 26 years old and haven't done this. Shame on me. I mean that! It's something I should have done a long time ago.

2) Start - and finish!! - the Bible Studies for our church womens' ministry ON TIME. ;)

3) Have "Date night" with my husband at least three times a month. Every week might not be realistic (although I'd love that) with our schedule. But 3x a month is doable.

4) Create a weekly meal plan and stick to it. Purchase groceries from BOGO and other sales for the week. (We started this in October '13 and it's been GREAT! So much $$ to save!)

5) Make an educational pre-school "schedule" for Caleb from January thru June; do 3 lessons per week.

6) Take at least one mini-vacation with my husband...even if it's just to a hotel 30 minutes away.

7) Take constructive criticism well.....or at least "better" than I normally do. ;) I'm just not good at not being "perfect" (and I use that term very loosely because I know there's no such thing)

8) Loose baby weight accumulated from both pregnancies....this is hard for me to admit but I'm just gonna throw it out there. No further explanation is going to be given so don't ask ;) ha!

9) Blog more often. Not sure if anyone cares a whole lot to read what I have to say, but it's a creative outlet for me and I definitely need that "me" time once in a while. I'm not going to put a specific number on this because I have yet to figure out what a reasonable number would be.

10) Pray more. I used to think this was one area in which I was "ok"...but I have realized that is not the case. I need to pray more often, more purposefully, more genuinely, more determined, more deliberate and truthfully, if I'm being honest, with much more faith.

11) All of the other ideas that are swarming around in my head that I just can't put into words yet. I determine to do some of those as well.

There, I think I've covered quite a bit ;) I'd love to hear some of your goals for 2014! I do not like to call them "resolutions" because I feel like those are too easily given up. Goals are something that takes work. I think setting a "goal" includes admitting you're not there yet, you need help, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. "New Years Resolutions" have such a bad rep - partially because most people don't keep them, or create such lofty resolutions without admitting it'll take a lot more than sheer willpower.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!