I've been meaning to blog for a while. Some of you may know we are fostering now....check out our other blog here for more info on that.
In this process I've been reminded how important it is for me to document and remember important milestones of our own two boys, as well as for our foster kids. So, here's me trying to start a habit of weekly (or maybe monthly...) updates!
(I'll ask him most of these questions....but my answers, if they differ, will be in italics.)
Age: 3 years, 4 months
Weight: 35 lbs
Height: 40in
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Toy: Thomas the Train
Favorite TV Show: Jake & the Neverland Pirates
Favorite Book: Jake & the Neverland Pirates - Birthday Bash
Favorite Song: Jesus loves me
Favorite time of day: Bath time
Favorite Food: Oatmeal
What I want to be when I grow up: a Bear (yes, he's serious), and a Pirate
I like it when mommy....is happy.
I like it when daddy....is home.
I like it when Daniel...is jumping on my bed with me.
I know these letters (can recognize): A, B, D, T, O (and a few others but he quit cooperating...typical 3 y/o!)
I know these numbers: 1, 2 (again, he refused to finish...)
I can count to: up to 6, or down from 10...(thank you space episodes of Mickey and Curious George...haha! "BLASTOFF!")
New milestones: In the past week or so he's gotten very...well, brave. He used to be fairly cautious but now it's like the inner daredevil has been unleashed. We're talking climbing on top of the couches (like the very top part...) and jumping from one couch to the other, wanting to climb on top of our bar-height chairs/table to touch the ceiling, jumping on his (or our) bed, etc. No fear. Craziness. If we don't have to go to the ER before the years' end I'll be surprised.
Habits: Caleb definitely has some OCD tendencies. Some things have to be "just so" or he'll freak out. He's very much a schedule/advanced notice kind of kid. When we're in the car, running errands, I have to make sure to include EVERY stop we're going to make so he is in the loop...Now I don't want him to sound like he's a maniac if we go off schedule. But his personality is such that prior notice and/or an explanation in the moment definitely has better results than "spur of the moment".
Other notes: Caleb gave up his paci this past month (May 27 to be exact) at Legoland! He loved the park, and has asked several times already if we can go back. He only asked for his paci a few times after giving it up and has done GREAT since! We were a bit surprised.
He's also finishing up a round of antibiotics and breathing treatments. We're going to be keeping track of this stuff....I believe it's seasonal allergies for him as he had the same symptoms this time last year. (When his Dr checked his Rx records it had been almost a year to the date that he had a round of antibiotics...)
(Obviously I will be answering these on his behalf...he can't talk.)
Age: 11 months as of yesterday (*tear* my baby is almost one....eeekkkk!!)
Weight: 23 lbs
Height: I've gotta check....it's been a while since his last well visit and he's definitely grown since then
Favorite Toy: Anything his brother has. Haha. No really. But he likes pretty much anything he can put in his mouth, chew on, or that makes music.
Favorite TV Show: He has JUST started to pay attention to the TV. He's never cared about that thing, which isn't a bad thing...but he LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse now. He giggles when he sees Mickey. Cutest thing ever.
Favorite Book: He doesn't have a preference but he does love books.
Favorite Song: He just loves music, period. Christian, Worship, Country, Rock, whatever. He's not picky.
Favorite time of Day: He's very happy in the mornings, and loves bath time at night.
Favorite Food: Grandma's homemade bread is a favorite. He's not too extremely picky just gets bored with the same thing after a while (who can blame him?!)
I like it when mommy...cuddles with me.
I like it when daddy...plays rough with me.
I like it when Caleb...jumps on the bed with me.
I can say: Dada.....yup. That's about it. He laughs when I try to get him to say "Mama"....oh, but he just started saying "moo" this week. :)
Favorite activities: Climbing on/over EVERYTHING! This kid is fearless. And non-stop. Go, go go. Bed time has a whole new meaning for me now...
Car rides? Loves the car, especially since he's in a big boy carseat now (rear facing/convertible but he can now see out the window and look at his brother!).
Sleeping through the night? Nope. Still not...he gets up once (sometimes twice) for a bottle. We just mix it, give it to him in bed and go back to sleep. He'll finish and fall back asleep on his own. Thank you Jesus for that gift. I don't know what I'd do if I had to physically get him out of bed to feed him every night for 11 months....mama's who are still BF at this age, I feel for ya!
New milestones: Standing for a few seconds on his own; still doubts his own ability to do so, though. Waving hi/bye.
Habits: Sucking his thumb
Other notes: Finally seems to be kicking this junky cough he's had for a while. Poor kid's been on more antibiotics this year than I care to admit. This last round is almost done, and coupled with some various home remedies and oils I'm hopeful that it'll be done with for good.