Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Disney Post 1 - Art of Animation Resort

Hello there!

We recently took a family trip to Disney - Caleb's first time! We were so excited. And we had a blast! I did a ton of research before we went and most was super helpful. Some wasn't worth my time reading and just a little silly. But I plan on writing about our trip in a few posts and I'll include the info that helped, what didn't, and some stuff we figured out on our own.

First: The Hotel
Disney's Art of Animation Resort

We chose a Cars family suite. They also have Little Mermaid, Nemo, and Lion King themed rooms. Actually - each "theme" has it's own part at the hotel. I only took pix of the Cars section...but here are some of them:

Our room was in the "Mater's Garage" building.

They had life-sized models of the Cars Characters...Caleb was going NUTS!

In our room: The table/Murphy bed....super convenient!

Decor in the hallways

Me and my little man with Lightning!

The hotel had a great check-in service, the staff were very helpful, and everything was very clean. It's the newest resort, so it should be...but sometimes you never know. 
When we arrived we found that they had activities in the lobby area for kids at certain times of the day (ie - teach them how to draw Mickey Mouse) and games at the large pool all afternoon. 
The hotel provides bus transportation to and from the parks - just be forewarned that the lines can get pretty long. As a resort guest you can also request a free parking pass to take your own vehicle to the park. We took the bus but we had extra help from grandma and grandpa - or else the folding up of the stroller, carrying the bags plus the kid, and the stroller itself could've been a little difficult.

The Room:

The Suites were incredible. They include a queen sized bed in it's own bedroom with adjoining bath/shower. In the "living room" there is a table that turns into a full-size Murphy bed, and a couch that pulls out into a full-sized bed as well. There is a small kitchenette with a microwave, sink, and mini fridge. A second bathroom with a sink and separate room with toilet/tub is right off of the main living area. We had four adults and a two year old in the room and had more than enough space. It was great!


We decided to bring most of our own food and forgo any meal plans and avoided eating out as much as we could. After all, spending tons of money on the room and tickets was enough.....we were trying to enjoy ourselves but save where we could. We made a breakfast casserole before leaving home, and brought it in cut-up pieces in ziplock bags (obviously in a cooler). Other good breakfast foods would be cereal (get a half gallon of milk for the mini fridge), boiled eggs, bread (no toaster though), etc.
We also brought small sandwich rolls, sliced cheese, lunch meat & spread to make mini sandwiches for lunch. The park allows you to bring in soft-sided coolers! (I never knew that until I did some digging)
We brought granola bars, raisins, juice boxes, gatoraid and small water bottles, too. So we snacked, ate our sandwiches, and had our drinks while in the park - no extra spending needed! It was great. I hate spending $3 on a bottle of water!! And, it being April in FL it was fairly warm - I'm 28 weeks pregnant so staying hydrated was a must. I survived. ;)
We were there a total of 4 days, 3 nights and only ate out at dinner time. On the last day we also had lunch at a park but that was a "Character lunch" - more about that in another post. Food alone saved us a ton of money. The average meal is $10 per person at the cheapest place - and the portion sizes were NOT that big. You know how parks are....the resorts aren't too much better. We did like the "food court"/diner at the Contemporary Resort (we took the monorail there and back one evening).
Let's say for kicks and giggles we spent $10 per meal, per adult (I won't count Caleb), per day. We would have spent $480 on food. We spend less than $100 in groceries for all of the food, snacks and drinks we brought, which fed all 4 adults and the toddler. Win!

Allright, I think that's enough info for now. I'll be posting more on the parks themselves, some helpful packing tips, taking a toddler a to Disney tips as well as being preggo at Disney! Coming soon ;)


Silky Soft Legs

OK.....I have to admit that often times I never try half of the "cool" things I pin on Pinterest. It's not that I don't want to - I just forget, don't have the time, or am frankly too lazy to make time for them.
Until today.
I saw this pin about "summer legs" and actually followed the link to read the info. You can find it here.

Here's what I did:

1. Run a warm bath. (I added some bath salts and baby oil to soften legs/feet)

2. Mix in bowl: 1 1/4 c. sugar, 1/2 c. oil (I used olive oil because I didn't have enough baby oil left; original poster says you can use other oils too, whatever you prefer), 3 tbsp citrus (lemon/lime is what was suggested....but I didn't have any so I used aloe vera that I had sitting in the fridge). That's all the original poster had - I also added a bit of lavender lotion and lavender scrub my lovely SIL got me from Aveda:

3. Soak legs/feet in bath for 5-10 minutes (or however long you want! relax!!)

4. Shave as normal (I use shaving cream and the shick hydro silk razor)

5. Apply scrub generously to legs and feet. Rub, massage, and enjoy - this part feels SO GOOD! Just like the deluxe pedicure at a nail salon.....I suppose the only thing that would make this part better is if someone else was doing the massaging for you  ;) {hint hint to hubby!}

6. Rinse well.

7. Shave again!
*The original poster stated that she shaved again and was surprised at how much dead skin she "shaved off"....I didn't have this problem, which actually surprised me because my skin tends to be pretty dry. But maybe I was just having a good, hydrated day ;)

8. Apply scrub again and massage.

9. Rinse well

10. Moisturize, if  you normally do. Personally, I don't ever put lotion on right after I shave b/c it burns my legs (I have super sensitive skin). I didn't feel like I needed to, though, as my legs were SUPER soft. Two hours later - I can't stop feeling them. Ha! I did moisturize my feet though, as I live in FL and therefore get dry, cracked "FL flip flop" heels all the time.

I had some left over and cannot wait to use this easy and feels so good! Enjoy!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Toddler Food

First off - two posts in one day! I feel super accomplished. :)

I came up with a list of food items, {kind of} sorted by food group and typed it up in an easy printable for the fridge. I don't know about you  - but I end up feeding my toddler the same snacks and foods simply because a) I know he'll eat them and b) I don't have the time or energy to come up with something fun, new and creative on the spot. {Thanks, Pinterest for making us NORMAL moms feel inadequate...}

So while this is by no means an all-inclusive list, I think it'll help start {hopefully} a trend at our house where little Mister will eat more than just yogurt {his fave} and grains {any cracker! another fave} for snack time {ok...and honestly, sometimes meal times too}.

Just so y'all don't think I'm an awful food-mom, I DID get him to eat organic brown rice {cooked in organic chicken stock!}, quinoa, and chicken last night. Major win for us! Every once in a while he surprises us...and then again, other days he just wants pizza. :)


Peeves...Part Two

OK, I normally don't go on rants online regarding various things. Especially not twice in one week. Chalk it up to being pregnant, or just very, very tired of our culture/society jumping down people's throats for absolutely the dumbest things.

Yesterday I pinned {this pin} on Pinterest. Granted, it originally got pinned to my "Good Food" board instead of the "I can't wait for a PINK makeover" board.....but rest assured, I fixed that mistake. I don't eat Barbie dolls.

Personally, I think this is a great idea! When I was little my mom always made sure my dolls had "undergarments" on. I never fully understood until I understood the whole "modesty" thing, but I knew at a young age that dolls {and people} shouldn't be un clothed in front of other people - that it was inappropriate. There are parts of our bodies that are special, and need to be covered up because its the right thing to do.
{I could go on and on about this part but I won't}

The pins' title was "Good way to avoid nakedness".

Last night I got an email notification that someone had commented on my pin.

I didn't check the comment until this morning.

Here's what a complete stranger felt the need to write on my pin/board:

"Because being naked is wrong." {actually, there were typos}

UM....?! Really?!

Why yes, mystery person, in case you haven't noticed it is NOT ACCEPTABLE to be naked in public. At least not in the corner of the world I live in!

I'm not sure why this bothered me so much. Maybe it's because I don't know them and they don't know me. Maybe it's because as a people we feel the "freedom of speech" right means we deserve to offer our opinion to anyone, anywhere, for any reason, whether asked for or not. If you ask me {we'll just pretend you did}, I think that REEKS of entitlement and a very snobbish attitude.

My response {which I may or may not delete off my board} was, granted, not the most eloquent or graceful. But here it is, in it's finest; please don't judge me:

"I don't know you - but no, being naked isn't "wrong" but inappropriate at certain times/places and I'd want to teach my daughters to cover up for modesty sake. That stripping off ones clothes at random times in front of whomever is around in order to change is not ok...among other reasons. Why must people always take offense to the dumbest little things? If you don't think it's wrong then don't color in your kids' barbies. Simple!"

I know - perhaps not the best way to handle the situation. But the last sentence I meant with all my heart.

Our response to trivial things that don't really matter should be simple - if you don't think there's anything wrong with your daughter's Barbies being naked, then don't worry about coloring their private parts in! If you don't think there's anything wrong with your son whistling at "hot chicks" as he walks past, then don't smack his mouth and explain why that's inappropriate. If you don't think that it's a big deal if your hubby watches porn on the internet, then don't set up security measures/blocks/etc to avoid that temptation. But for those of us who would like to protect our daughters from immodesty, our sons from ignorant macho-ness and our husbands from sin - leave us be. Please and thank you.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Pregnancy Peeves

Well, if you haven't noticed already, I'm pregnant. (Why else would I be planning a nursery for a random kid named Daniel?! See previous post if you're lost)

And, you know what? There are A LOT of misconceptions, opinions, theories, and assumptions when it comes to pregnancy. I have "liked" various mommy/kid/family pages on Facebook and saw a post on one of them yesterday that asked the question "Should pregnant women receive special treatment?". You guys - I was ASTONISHED at the answers I was reading! I'll answer personally at the end of this post to {hopefully} keep you reading ;)

Basically, women (and even a few men had the guts to speak up) who have been pregnant, and even women who hadn't, were chiming in on both sides of this topic. And frankly - both "sides" were being extremely rude about it. What happened to the day and age where logical conversation and good discussion could carry on without demeaning insults, dropping the F bomb (and company) every other word, and calling people names?!

On one side, there were the "I-could-do-everything-I-did-before-I-was-pregnant-and-so-should-you-quit-being-a-pansy" individuals. On the other, there were the "I-had-the-worst-pregnancy-ever-and-needed-help-with-everything-every-day-or-else-I-would-loose-the-baby" folks. Then there were the "I've-obviously-never-been-pregnant-but-ya'll-need-to-suck-it-up" guys...and a few girls.

Here's where I stand: no one should judge a pregnant woman because you have NO IDEA how she feels. Even if you're pregnant. Even if you've been pregnant. Even if you've been pregnant ten times. But especially if you haven't been. This being my second pregnancy I can say that this one is TOTALLY different than the last one.

With #1 I was sick the 1st trimester, but only for a day or so at a time. Starting in approx. week 8, I'd be nauseous, throw up, and then feel great. I threw up a total of 5 times, never twice on the same day. I couldn't eat a whole lot because nothing sounded appetizing, and lost 15 lbs. Once I got over that hurdle (exactly at week 12), I was GREAT! Weeks 13-38 were awesome. I had some round ligament pain every once in a while, and got tired a little quicker; but all in all I was feeling perfectly fine. {The last two to four weeks I had a lot of indigestion and was just feeling HUGE but again, nothing major}

This time around, I got sick starting at week 4 or 5. Nauseous ALL FLIPPING DAY LONG. I threw up ONCE {I think it was week 7 or 8}. There was absolutely NO relief except for sleeping. Which, with a toddler running around, wasn't exactly easy. Thank goodness for awesome in-laws and an amazing husband. I don't know how I got through the first trimester (plus a few weeks, because the sickness didn't end as abruptly and "promptly" at the end of the first trimester like last time). I'm always tired and can fall asleep anytime, anywhere. I feel HUGE already and feel now like I did 9 months pregnant last time. I have indigestion SO BAD I hate eating {but let's be real - I love eating so no, I'm not starving myself}.

I'm not complaining. I am so excited to be pregnant with our second child and I cannot wait to hold him {for many reasons} but I'm painting these two drastically different pictures to prove a point. During my first pregnancy it would have been super easy to "judge" the tired, cranky, not-put-together, sloppy pregnant lady because that wasn't me {now it is - ha!!}...but who am I to judge? As the saying goes, don't judge someone 'til you've walked a mile in their shoes.

Now, some of the "special treatments" that repeatedly came up in the above mentioned Facebook debate were closer parking, holding doors, giving up seats, cutting in line, and "freebies". Here's my personal opinion on these in particular:

Closer Parking - Heck yes. It should be an option. If you feel it's healthier to walk, then don't park there when you're pregnant. But this is a no-brainer to me for multiple reasons: 3rd trimester (speaks for itself), 1st trimester (so you can get to the trashcan quicker), pregnant with toddlers or just other children in general, and/or just for the sake of being courteous.
{Many of the arguments against it were its "unhealthy" not to walk and people abuse it....welcome to the real world, folks. Any privilege is abused by SOMEONE. That's no reason not to present it to others who might genuinely need/want/respect it.}

Holding doors/Giving up seats - Um, hello?! Isn't that called common courtesy?! This should be done for the elderly, pregnant, moms with babies/young children (or dads), etc....why would anyone be against this??

Cutting in line -'s where I kinda ride the middle of the fence. I mean...if it's a bathroom issue and you see an obviously pregnant woman in line - just ask. She can always say "no thanks". I know I've been waiting for a stall before, though, and about to pee my pants, and this courtesy would've been great. :) I don't necessarily think just because I'm pregnant I should be allowed to cut in line at the grocery store, or at the bank...maybe at an outside event (to get inside quicker if it's very hot or very cold?) or something. I guess there just needs to be discretion in any case and both parties (pregnant and non) should be respectful and polite. {As anyone should be, at any time...which our society has seemed to forgotten which is why it needs to be said?! Ugh}

Freebies - Again, an "it depends" scenario. Free smoothie on a hot day? Yes please! Free HD TV just because? I wouldn't expect that one...haha

I think it all boils down to these things - respect, courtesy, manners, and entitlement. The first three are seriously lacking today; the last is utterly TOO common. And not just for pregnant mamas! This world we live in; this crazy "I'm entitled to _____; but how dare anyone else think they can get it for free" mentality just drives me up the wall.

I just felt compelled to bring some of this up and see where y'all stand. What do you think? If you've been pregnant did you get special treatment or not? Did you like it or not so much? I'd love to see your opinions. Keep 'em polite, respectful and clean please and thank you :)


Friday, April 5, 2013

Baby #2 - Daniel Anthony

As many know, we are expecting baby boy #2 in July. Yay! I am now even MORE outnumbered in my household by boys, and even MORE determined to infuse this house with some PINK at *some point* {No, I'm not planning on getting preggo again right away; we're adopting #3 if all goes well}

Anyway, I've always been a crafty kinda girl and LOVE to make my own stuff {duh; see my canvases ;)} So I *THOUGHT* I'd try a hand at the bedding this time around....hahaha I crack myself up. Luckily, hubby's grandma is a PHENOMENAL seamstress and volunteered to save my child's room from inevitable disaster.
{She made our first bedspread/set when we were first married as well as all of the curtains in my house. Love her!}

Here's the color scheme I'm really into:

I was trying to decide between the aqua and the navy....hubby likes the navy best, and I did a poll on instagram and facebook (seriously) where navy won. I just can't seem to let go of that aqua chevron print! So I'm thinking of doing BOTH. I mean, blue and blue doesn't clash, right?? Here's a screen shot of what it *might* look like (substitute the gray elephants for the gray chevron on the bumper):

There's a quilt I'm designing that will be a patchwork of these colors (minus the orange; the orange is on the bumper/skirt only and in accent pieces like a pillow for my glider, and a rug) in a variety of striped, polka dot, and chevron patterns. I cannot WAIT to get all of the fabric ordered and this project underway! I MAY even attempt a simple sheet or blanket ;) For the curtains I'm thinking either yellow or aqua - not sure if solid or patterned. 

The fabrics I'm using I found on and and the lovely nursery bedding design helper (where I made the above picture) was on (the elephant fabric was on nursery fabrics which is why I couldn't get it in the picture. Boo!) This cool design program let you pick flooring/color, wall color and even crib color! Loved it. Their fabric prices are decent, but the prices to have the bedding made are a little steep, IMO.

I'm getting so excited! :) Now, if only July could get here quicker!!


Friday, March 29, 2013

Schedules - Fireman's Wife Style

My Hubby is a fire fighter. Which, to some people equals a "one day on, two days off - what a cushy job" mentality. However, as a fireman's wife I'd have to disagree wholeheartedly. It's not the "one on/two off" part I disagree with (obviously that part is true). It's the idea that you have two WHOLE days to do whatever you want as a family. Yeah - if that's how it's supposed to work, teach me. Because the last three and a half years that has NOT worked for us. Since, contrary to popular belief, regular fire fighters don't make tons of money, hubby works a second job. Every day that he comes off shift, he goes straight to job #2. So, to lay it all out there, here's how our schedule works (most of the time):

Shift Day: Hubby leaves at 7am and works from this 8am to the next (24 hours)

Day after Shift: Hubby gets off shift at 8am, goes to job #2. Since it's not a customer service or desk job, his hours vary and he gets home between 1pm (very rare) and 6pm, with an average of 4 or 5pm. This means I have not seen him in approx. 33 hours. We have dinner, put baby down to sleep, hang out for a bit and go to bed. Maybe 5 hours of "face" time with him this day. But at least he's sleeping at home.

Day before Shift: Hubby is doing the things he can't get done around the yard/house on the previous two days (cutting grass, washing cars, etc.) Granted, this is our "easy" day and we get to be a little lazy for most of it. I call this our "kickback lazy family day". :)

Add in there church activities, extended family events, play dates, extra job-related meetings, mentoring the youth at church, and Dr's appointments (expecting baby #2....we LIVE at the Dr's again it feels like)....our life can feel a little chaotic and not very "scheduled" as some other families might.

All of this to say - the way I used to schedule food, shopping, cleaning, etc. has changed drastically. I used to be able to say things like "OK, Mondays and Thursdays I'll vacuum & mop; Wednesdays and the weekends we'll have big breakfast; Friday night is pizza and a movie night, and every Sunday night we'll go on a date." You get the idea. But since his schedule rotates, he's never off "every" Friday or for a whole weekend, which makes having a specific, set-aside, weekly day for ANYTHING is difficult.

Now, I'm not complaining. Really, I'm not. I LOVE his job, he loves his job, and we're blessed to be where we're at. BUT.....the rotating schedule just makes things hard.
SO I've come up with a schedule. And I'm working on more. Because I realize once baby #2's all just going to feel crazier and even more out of control. And I'm all about control (OCD...I'll just blame the OCD). This idea actually came with the help of my MIL, who was also a fireman's wife and dealt with the same issues as far as schedules and feeling chaotic.

Hopefully this will help any other wives out there whose husbands have rotating schedules....or maybe you just don't want to feel like you're in a rut? Sure. Give it a try ;) This particular schedule is for April 20l3...obviously change it to suit your needs. It's color-coded, well, because of my OCD and need for everything to be easily legible & understandable. This is my personal one; use it as a "spring board" for your own cleaning needs/desires. It's also not as detailed (I don't list every single little thing) as the original one I had was. For example, I used to write "clean master bath, clean master bedroom, vacuum both, tidy master bedroom" etc. But obviously I know if I'm putting "Clean Master" on the schedule all of that needs to be done...and all of the details don't fit in a tiny little square ;)

I've found that keeping a schedule like this helps me SO MUCH. It helps me stay on track (even if I don't finish everything on the day of - I can always do it the next day), I feel accomplished (hence the little space to check off the task - it's so rewarding!!), and hubby knows what to help with (the best part!). Little every day things like dishes, going through mail, etc. - those are "as needed" and therefore aren't given a specific day. I also rotate mopping (once a week) with "swiffering" with the wet-cloths in between. I find it cleans just fine and is less work that way. Any major deep cleaning is also not on this particular list because most of the "major" cleaning needs are done monthly or as needed, and aren't given a specific day in my household.

Let me know if you have any ideas or questions! :)


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New painting - and the eagles!

So, my alma mater - Florida Gulf Coast University - has been a bit of a big deal lately!
The Eagles Men's Basketball team has been busting up brackets all over the NCAA March Madness scene. I'm proud to be an FGCU eagle - and cannot WAIT to see them whoop some UF Gator booty on Friday.

That being said, I've finished one of the {many} projects I'm working on. I've found it's easier to multi-task and work on a few things at a time ... you know, layers, waiting for paint to dry, etc. It ends up resulting in me getting more done, I think...

Here's the finished product!! I'm in LOVE with it. In the picture it might be a little hard to read the letters that go over the design - but let me assure you in person it isn't. I'm in LOVE with this - did I say that already?!

It'll be up in my etsy shop {creative ashes} today! I can, as usual, customize the colors & verse if so desired. This was my personal trial run, so on any others from here on out the verse may not go into the design as long as I space it correctly ;)

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week- we're half way to the weekend!!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

PRICE CHANGE on Canvasses

Hey there,

So after doing some research into how much it actually costs me to make these canvasses (materials, paint, tape, letters, time, etc) I have decided to reduce them (YES! REDUCE) in price. I don't want to make them too expensive to where no one wants to buy them. I enjoy painting, just can't do it for everyone for free ;) I'd be in big trouble with our budget every month!!

SO here are the new prices:

1 canvas with initial letter only $15
{horizontal, vertical, or chevron stripes; solid color letter}

1 canvas with initial letter only $20 
{solid color background; patterned letter}

2 canvases with initial letter only & "est. '00" $25 
{horizontal, vertical or chevron stripes; solid color letters}

2 canvases with initial letter, handwritten name & "ets. '00" $30 
{horizontal, vertical or chevron stripes; handwritten name in any color; solid color letters}

2 canvases with initial letter, handwritten name optional, & "set. '00" $40 
{solid color background; patterned letters; handwritten name optional any color}

Anyone who orders before 3/31/13 will get an automatic 20% discount on their order. 

Any current engaged bride friends of mine will get an additional 15% discount for a total of 35% off their order!!

If you share the link with friends, and a friend of yours places an order I'll give $5 off your order!

Check out my etsy shop (CreativeAshes) for more details on customization and prices for that, or contact me directly.

I'm starting a few new projects today/tomorrow that I'm super excited about...I'll have pix up soon with prices on those, too {hint, hint: includes a quote canvas and kids' room letters!}

Thanks so much for your support! 

I have yet to decide where exactly any money I make will go. Right now? In a special savings account. Hubby and I are researching various adoption agencies, because we KNOW we want to adopt. But seeing as I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant with baby boy #2 it'll be a while ;) Just know I'm not ripping you off - and I'm just trying to make a little extra on the side. Hubby works two jobs so I can stay home with C-man and I want to help out wherever I can.

{I also sell Mary Kay if anyone's interested ;) haha}

Have a great (LAST WEEK) of March, everyone!



Friday, March 22, 2013

New Adventures

So it's been a while (again) since I've blogged. I have plenty of {totally legitimate, and IMO very good} excuses such as:
- a very active (and lately somewhat sick) two year old running around, demanding time!
- we just celebrated my SIL's wedding last weekend; that took MONTHS of planning & was tons of fun, but very time consuming
- I coached cheerleading again this past year (which is, in and of itself, a full time job if you're doing it right!)
- I have tons of other hobbies (like the one I'm going to show you today!) that I spend my time doing instead of on the computer. Thanks iPhone and iPad...I hardly ever come on my desktop anymore, and I no longer own a laptop. I know, I know - I can blog from either of those devices, too. But there's something about typing on a "real" keyboard that feels more real....

In any case, I have been busy with a few projects! Not only am I planning my 2nd son's nursery (it's gonna be super cute!) and fueling a strong desire to start sewing...I've been painting again! For those of you who know me, you know I have always loved drawing, painting & especially scrapbooking. I've always loved canvas. So I took some inspiration from various pinterest DIY's and came up with this:

I'm currently working on another one {black & white stripes with red letters} for my good friend who is getting married in June. 

I'll be putting these up on etsy this weekend - but if you'd like to pre-order a custom set just leave a comment with your email address and we can start the process! Here are the prices:

1 canvas with initial letter only        
- will be: $25   **$20 pre-order sale**
{horizontal, vertical, or chevron stripes; solid color letter}

1 canvas with initial letter only      
- will be: $30       **$25 pre-order sale**
{solid color background; patterned letter}

2 canvases with initial letter only & "est. '00"    
- will be $35       **$30 pre-order sale**
{horizontal, vertical or chevron stripes; solid color letters}

2 canvases with initial letter, handwritten name & "ets. '00"    
- will be $40    **$35 pre-order sale**
{horizontal, vertical or chevron stripes; handwritten name in any color; solid color letters}

2 canvases with initial letter, handwritten name optional, & "set. '00"    
- will be $50   ***45 pre-order sale**
{solid color background; patterned letters; handwritten name optional any color}

I usually just do three colors and pick the one that will "pop" most to be the letter color. However, I will paint it however you wish if you are specific. I can add thin pin-striping to the stripes for an additional $5 per canvas.

I will also be making custom canvases with quotes, scripture, or names. No pictures yet but if you have something in mind let me know! Prices will vary.

All canvases are 12x12 unless you specify another size, which may affect the price. 

Thanks guys! I'm excited to get started!
