Friday, April 12, 2013

Peeves...Part Two

OK, I normally don't go on rants online regarding various things. Especially not twice in one week. Chalk it up to being pregnant, or just very, very tired of our culture/society jumping down people's throats for absolutely the dumbest things.

Yesterday I pinned {this pin} on Pinterest. Granted, it originally got pinned to my "Good Food" board instead of the "I can't wait for a PINK makeover" board.....but rest assured, I fixed that mistake. I don't eat Barbie dolls.

Personally, I think this is a great idea! When I was little my mom always made sure my dolls had "undergarments" on. I never fully understood until I understood the whole "modesty" thing, but I knew at a young age that dolls {and people} shouldn't be un clothed in front of other people - that it was inappropriate. There are parts of our bodies that are special, and need to be covered up because its the right thing to do.
{I could go on and on about this part but I won't}

The pins' title was "Good way to avoid nakedness".

Last night I got an email notification that someone had commented on my pin.

I didn't check the comment until this morning.

Here's what a complete stranger felt the need to write on my pin/board:

"Because being naked is wrong." {actually, there were typos}

UM....?! Really?!

Why yes, mystery person, in case you haven't noticed it is NOT ACCEPTABLE to be naked in public. At least not in the corner of the world I live in!

I'm not sure why this bothered me so much. Maybe it's because I don't know them and they don't know me. Maybe it's because as a people we feel the "freedom of speech" right means we deserve to offer our opinion to anyone, anywhere, for any reason, whether asked for or not. If you ask me {we'll just pretend you did}, I think that REEKS of entitlement and a very snobbish attitude.

My response {which I may or may not delete off my board} was, granted, not the most eloquent or graceful. But here it is, in it's finest; please don't judge me:

"I don't know you - but no, being naked isn't "wrong" but inappropriate at certain times/places and I'd want to teach my daughters to cover up for modesty sake. That stripping off ones clothes at random times in front of whomever is around in order to change is not ok...among other reasons. Why must people always take offense to the dumbest little things? If you don't think it's wrong then don't color in your kids' barbies. Simple!"

I know - perhaps not the best way to handle the situation. But the last sentence I meant with all my heart.

Our response to trivial things that don't really matter should be simple - if you don't think there's anything wrong with your daughter's Barbies being naked, then don't worry about coloring their private parts in! If you don't think there's anything wrong with your son whistling at "hot chicks" as he walks past, then don't smack his mouth and explain why that's inappropriate. If you don't think that it's a big deal if your hubby watches porn on the internet, then don't set up security measures/blocks/etc to avoid that temptation. But for those of us who would like to protect our daughters from immodesty, our sons from ignorant macho-ness and our husbands from sin - leave us be. Please and thank you.


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